importdescriptors (26.1.0 RPC) blockchain dumptxoutset getargon2idpowhash getbestblockhash getblock getblockchaininfo getblockcount getblockfilter getblockfrompeer getblockhash getblockheader getblockstats getchainstates getchaintips getchaintxstats getdeploymentinfo getdifficulty getmempoolancestors getmempooldescendants getmempoolentry getmempoolinfo getrawmempool gettxout gettxoutproof gettxoutsetinfo gettxspendingprevout getyespowerpowhash importmempool loadtxoutset preciousblock pruneblockchain savemempool scanblocks scantxoutset verifychain verifytxoutproof control getmemoryinfo getrpcinfo help logging stop uptime mining getblocktemplate getmininginfo getnetworkhashps getprioritisedtransactions prioritisetransaction submitblock submitheader network addnode clearbanned disconnectnode getaddednodeinfo getaddrmaninfo getconnectioncount getnettotals getnetworkinfo getnodeaddresses getpeerinfo listbanned ping setban setnetworkactive rawtransactions analyzepsbt combinepsbt combinerawtransaction converttopsbt createpsbt createrawtransaction decodepsbt decoderawtransaction decodescript descriptorprocesspsbt finalizepsbt fundrawtransaction getrawtransaction joinpsbts sendrawtransaction signrawtransactionwithkey submitpackage testmempoolaccept utxoupdatepsbt signer enumeratesigners util createmultisig deriveaddresses estimatesmartfee getdescriptorinfo getindexinfo signmessagewithprivkey validateaddress verifymessage wallet abandontransaction abortrescan addmultisigaddress backupwallet bumpfee createwallet dumpprivkey dumpwallet encryptwallet getaddressesbylabel getaddressinfo getbalance getbalances getnewaddress getrawchangeaddress getreceivedbyaddress getreceivedbylabel gettransaction getunconfirmedbalance getwalletinfo importaddress importdescriptors importmulti importprivkey importprunedfunds importpubkey importwallet keypoolrefill listaddressgroupings listdescriptors listlabels listlockunspent listreceivedbyaddress listreceivedbylabel listsinceblock listtransactions listunspent listwalletdir listwallets loadwallet lockunspent migratewallet newkeypool psbtbumpfee removeprunedfunds rescanblockchain restorewallet send sendall sendmany sendtoaddress sethdseed setlabel settxfee setwalletflag signmessage signrawtransactionwithwallet simulaterawtransaction unloadwallet upgradewallet walletcreatefundedpsbt walletdisplayaddress walletlock walletpassphrase walletpassphrasechange walletprocesspsbt importdescriptors requests Import descriptors. This will trigger a rescan of the blockchain based on the earliest timestamp of all descriptors being imported. Requires a new wallet backup. Note: This call can take over an hour to complete if using an early timestamp; during that time, other rpc calls may report that the imported keys, addresses or scripts exist but related transactions are still missing. The rescan is significantly faster if block filters are available (using startup option "-blockfilterindex=1"). Arguments: 1. requests (json array, required) Data to be imported [ { (json object) "desc": "str", (string, required) Descriptor to import. "active": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) Set this descriptor to be the active descriptor for the corresponding output type/externality "range": n or [n,n], (numeric or array, optional) If a ranged descriptor is used, this specifies the end or the range (in the form [begin,end]) to import "next_index": n, (numeric, optional) If a ranged descriptor is set to active, this specifies the next index to generate addresses from "timestamp": timestamp | "now", (integer / string, required) Time from which to start rescanning the blockchain for this descriptor, in UNIX epoch time Use the string "now" to substitute the current synced blockchain time. "now" can be specified to bypass scanning, for outputs which are known to never have been used, and 0 can be specified to scan the entire blockchain. Blocks up to 2 hours before the earliest timestamp of all descriptors being imported will be scanned as well as the mempool. "internal": bool, (boolean, optional, default=false) Whether matching outputs should be treated as not incoming payments (e.g. change) "label": "str", (string, optional, default="") Label to assign to the address, only allowed with internal=false. Disabled for ranged descriptors }, ... ] Result: [ (json array) Response is an array with the same size as the input that has the execution result { (json object) "success" : true|false, (boolean) "warnings" : [ (json array, optional) "str", (string) ... ], "error" : { (json object, optional) ... JSONRPC error } }, ... ] Examples: > dpowcoin-cli importdescriptors '[{ "desc": "<my descriptor>", "timestamp":1455191478, "internal": true }, { "desc": "<my descriptor 2>", "label": "example 2", "timestamp": 1455191480 }]' > dpowcoin-cli importdescriptors '[{ "desc": "<my descriptor>", "timestamp":1455191478, "active": true, "range": [0,100], "label": "<my bech32 wallet>" }]'