Download - Dpowcoin
Check your bandwidth and space
Dpowcoin Core requires a one-time download of about 20GB of data plus a further 9-18GB per month. By default, you will need to store all of that data, but if you enable pruning, you can store as little as 10GB total without sacrificing any security.
Verify your download
Download verification is optional but highly recommended. Performing the verification steps here ensures that you have not downloaded an unexpected or tampered version of Dpowcoin, which may result in loss of funds.
Click one of the lines below to view verification instructions for that platform.
Windows verification instructions
Click the link in the list above to download the release for your platform and wait for the file to finish downloading.
Download the list of cryptographic checksums: SHA256SUMS
Open a PowerShell and Change Directory (cd) to the folder you use for downloads. For example:
cd %UserProfile%\Downloads
Run the following command to generate a checksum of the release file you downloaded. Replace 'dpowcoin-26.2-win64-setup-unsigned.exe' with the name of the file you actually downloaded.
Get-FileHash dpowcoin-26.2-win64-setup-unsigned.exe -Algorithm SHA256
Ensure that the checksum produced by the command above matches one of the checksums listed in the checksums file you downloaded earlier. We recommend that you check every character of the two checksums to ensure they match. You can see the checksums you downloaded by running the following command:
type SHA256SUMS
MacOS verification instructions
Click the link in the list above to download the release for your platform and wait for the file to finish downloading.
Download the list of cryptographic checksums: SHA256SUMS
Open a terminal (command line prompt) and Change Directory (cd) to the folder you use for downloads. For example:
cd Downloads/
Verify that the checksum of the release file is listed in the checksums file using the following command:
shasum -a 256 --check SHA256SUMS
In the output produced by the above command, you can safely ignore any warnings and failures, but you must ensure the output lists "" after the name of the release file you downloaded. For example:
Linux verification instructions
Click the link in the list above to download the release for your platform and wait for the file to finish downloading.
Download the list of cryptographic checksums: SHA256SUMS
Open a terminal (command line prompt) and Change Directory (cd) to the folder you use for downloads. For example:
cd Downloads/
Verify that the checksum of the release file is listed in the checksums file using the following command:
sha256sum --ignore-missing --check SHA256SUMS
In the output produced by the above command, you can safely ignore any warnings and failures, but you must ensure the output lists "" after the name of the release file you downloaded. For example:
Dpowcoin Core is a community-driven free software project, released under the open source MIT license.